Navigating the American Bankruptcy

Navigating the American Bankruptcy

With American Airlines filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on November 29, 2011, thoughts immediately turn to wading through the records and assets of such a large company. This is where The Aircraft Group (TAG) comes in.

TAG has been involved in every major airline bankruptcy over the past 25 years and we are recognized as being the very best at it. During the Delta filing, The Aircraft Group was able to post and distribute technical data on 184 aircraft, specs and historical information in less than a week, 100% searchable! We have proven time and again that we have the ability to effectively manage, analyze and distribute technical data over the web for thousands of aircraft simultaneously.

Plus, we have worked with American Airline’s maintenance and recordkeeping systems for the past two decades. We are familiar with their processes, procedures and recordkeeping. In fact, we currently are working for several lessors and note holders and already have clearance for access to AA facilities.

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